Friday, 14 December 2012

Blogmas day 14

Hey girls, I hope you're all well.

This is just going to be a short post, because I've not long got in from uni, and am heading back out over to my mums for the weekend in about 10 minutes.

I am officially on my Christmas holidays! And guess what that means? Next week will be FULL of Christmas activities, meaning that my Blogmas posts are going to get a lot more Christmassy :)

I do have assignments to do though, so that isn't very exciting but I'm hoping I could spend a maximum of 2 hours a day on it for 3 weeks :-P

I have no idea what to talk about, I thought about doing a tag post, but they sometimes take a while to write, so I'll do that tomorrow, if I get a chance to write anything. My dad is coming up tonight for the weekend, so I'll be spending a lot of time with him, so I'll apologise in advance if I can't write anything tomorrow. I might actually write a post from my phone, just so I don't have to take my laptop over there.

Right, I just realized that I have forgotten to pack my toothbrush, so I'm gonna go and get that, then get a wriggle on. Hopefully I'll talk to you all tomorrow, if not I'll talk to you all on Sunday.

Have a beautiful day

Dream beautiful dreams; live beautiful lives


Days until Christmas: 11
Floors on Tiny Tower: 81
What I am listening to/watching right now: The radio
Christmas song of the day: Do they know it's Christmas time at all


  1. Ahh Christmas holidays from uni - those were the days! I wish The Doctor would come scoop me up and transport me back to that time!

    Have a lovely weekend! :-D


    1. Aah to be a Doctor Who companion! :D

      Thank you :-)

      Have a beautiful day

