Saturday, 2 February 2013

New years resolutions update #1

Hey girls, I hope you're all well.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I haven't been well, and still am, so haven't felt up to writing anything. But seeing as it is the beginning of a new month, I thought I would update you all on how I'm doing with my new years resolutions.

Just a quick reminder to what my resolutions were:

  1. Be healthier. 
  2. Be more eco-friendly. 
  3. Take more pictures. 
  4. Get a job, then move out of my parents house. 
  5. Organise my time better. 
Now onto how I'm doing, are you ready? :-P

  1. This is a bit I'm doing great, but I'm also doing terrible. Now by this I mean I'm exercising pretty much everyday, (I think I only missed 4 days out of the entire month) but I've not been eating the healthiest. My meals have been healthy, but my snacks haven't. I am trying really hard to work on this, but it's been a bit of a fail this month. Hopefully next month I'll be saying I did great.
  2. I have definitely been doing this! I make sure everything that can be recycled gets recycled, and I've also been switching everything off when I'm not using it. I haven't done anything about a compost heap yet, but I'm still thinking about it.
  3. I haven't really had the chance to do this, but I do try and capture the moment a bit more often, just maybe not often enough.
  4. I have applied for jobs, and I need to make a call about a job, so that's exciting. The moving out bit is obviously on hold for right now.
  5. I feel I have definitely worked on this pretty well. What I do now is make sure I do at least an hour of work for each module I have work for, a day, so between 1-4 hours a day, and if I haven't done this, I don't allow myself to read my book (unless I'm on the bus) This works really well, because I'm always wanting to read, and it is a huge form of procrastination for me. I'm still procrastinating, but I feel like I'm not doing it as much. I have more ideas on working on this for the next month, so check back next month to see how it works.
How are you all doing with your new years resolutions? I'd love to know, let me know.

Have a beautiful day

Dream beautiful dreams; live beautiful lives


What I am listening to/watching right now: YouTube videos (I've fallen behind whilst being sick :()
Song of the day: Drunk on you by Luke Bryan (Yes I am still obsessed)

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