Hey girls so I know that this is a little bit late, but I have only just realized that I haven't done my In and Outs for last month! Silly Kim.
- Studying. As you all know I haven't really had much motivation to study lately, but in the past month I have really gotten back in to it.
- Reading. I've been reading a bit more this past month, not a lot but more than in February
- Clearer skin. I have been loving how my skin has cleared up. It looks great and I feel more confident because of it.
- Wearing a jacket. The past month the weather has been warm and I have been able to get away with only wearing a hoodie. Unfortunately though it has changed and is now very cold :(
- Having energy. Since getting back my motivation for studying I have lost some sleep, which is unfortunate, but I think I should really get used to that, seeing as I have a lot of coursework to do and exams to revise for.
- Having a life ha-ha. Same reason as my energy ha-ha. Although the past week I have planned a bunch of things for summer, so I will have a life again in a few months ha-ha
What are your Ins and Outs of March? I know I don't have many but I really didn't do much exciting things last month :(.
I hope you all enjoyed this post and don't forget to leave me your Ins and Outs.
Also, I will be doing a blog sale in the next couple of days, would any of you be interested in buying from me? The products have hardly been used, and I am trying to get rid of a bunch of things. Let me know if you would buy, because I don't want to set it all up and no-body buy.
Have a beautiful day girls and DFTBA